Warran Glen stocks all kinds of indoor plants. A plant for every taste, skill level and environment. This is a portion of our indoor plant stock, find plenty more in-store. Please note we do not ship plant life, Store pickup will be the only option available at checkout.
Aphelandra Zebra Plant. A favourite here at Warran Glen. The Zebra plant is named for its stark white veins contrasting against the deep green of the leaf. He's good-looking and...
Calathea Rufibarba Furry Feather. Calathea Rufibarba is a tall-growing plant that features long red stems with deep green elongated wavy leaves with deep purple undersides. The leaves have a soft...
Marble Queen Botanical Name: Epipremnum Aureum The quintessential houseplant, this vining plant shows off its green and variegated heart-shaped leaves. A fast-growing indoor plant that works well in hanging baskets or climbing up a...
Hoya Australis Lisa. Hoya Australis is a stunning variety of Hoya that grows in an upright, twisting, vining pattern. In general, Australis Hoyas don’t trail as many other Hoyas do....
Kentia Palm. Botanical Name: Howea forsteriana. Originating from Lord Howe Island off the coast of NSW, this palm tree-like house plant can make a statement in any room. It has...
Fruit Salad Plant/ Monstera Deliciosa. A statement piece among Indoor plants, the Monstera Delicious is a popular choice for plant lovers. Easy to care for, this exotic plant will grow...
Snake Plant; Mother-In-Laws Tongue Botanical Name: Sansevieria Trifasciata. Known for its air-purifying qualities, the snake plant stores all its oxygen during the day and releases it all at night. Easy...
Stromanthe Tricolour. Botanical Name: Stromanthe sanguinea. A beautiful indoor specimen. Its deep green foliage features splashes of cream around the edges and a deep crimson underside, giving it the tri-colour...