Warran Glen stocks all kinds of indoor plants. A plant for every taste, skill level and environment. This is a portion of our indoor plant stock, find plenty more in-store. Please note we do not ship plant life, Store pickup will be the only option available at checkout.
Monkey Tail Cactus. A distinctive cactus variety with ribbed, fleshy, mid-green stems that have a dense covering of gold to silver spikes. They may look soft, and hairy like a monkey’s...
Philodendron Gloriosum. Philodendron Gloriosum has heart-shaped velvet-like foliage with distinctive veins. As it grows the plant will require a totem or can trail down. The plant pictured is just one...
Calathea Orbifolia. Striking leaves attract keen tropical gardeners and humble indoor plant lovers too. The Orbifolia has large rounded leaves in a light green colour with regular silver-white stripes. The...
> Alocasia Red Secret Alocasia cuprea 'Red Secret', also known as the Mirror Plant or Jewel Alocasia, is a rare and eye-catching houseplant with an exotic appeal. Its large, oval...
Hoya Australis Lisa. Hoya Australis is a stunning variety of Hoya that grows in an upright, twisting, vining pattern. In general, Australis Hoyas don’t trail as many other Hoyas do....
Fruit Salad Plant/ Monstera Deliciosa. A statement piece among Indoor plants, the Monstera Delicious is a popular choice for plant lovers. Easy to care for, this exotic plant will grow...
Marble Queen Botanical Name: Epipremnum Aureum The quintessential houseplant, this vining plant shows off its green and variegated heart-shaped leaves. A fast-growing indoor plant that works well in hanging baskets or climbing up a...
Calathea Rufibarba Furry Feather. Calathea Rufibarba is a tall-growing plant that features long red stems with deep green elongated wavy leaves with deep purple undersides. The leaves have a soft...
Snake Plant; Mother-In-Laws Tongue Botanical Name: Sansevieria Trifasciata. Known for its air-purifying qualities, the snake plant stores all its oxygen during the day and releases it all at night. Easy...
Aphelandra Zebra Plant. A favourite here at Warran Glen. The Zebra plant is named for its stark white veins contrasting against the deep green of the leaf. He's good-looking and...
Kentia Palm. Botanical Name: Howea forsteriana. Originating from Lord Howe Island off the coast of NSW, this palm tree-like house plant can make a statement in any room. It has...