The perfect solution for keeping your dog hydrated on-the-go. Designed for your dog to drink fresh water from the attached bowl without wasting a drop. Simply squeeze the bottle with...
DOG - Cologne Calm 125ml. Lavender, Bergamot, Frankincense & Chamomile to hide not-so-nice smells. With calming lavender and other fancy-sounding things, this natural, moisturising scent makes 'smelling like a dog’ the...
DOG - Wash 500ml. For the most part, a wipe and brush are enough to keep your dog clean. But occasionally, that puddle-jumping, butt-sniffing furball is going to need a...
DOG - Wash Brush Black. The Wash Brush not only deeply cleans your dog’s coat and skin, but also provides them with an enjoyable massage. Made from durable silicone, it...
DOG - Wee Cleaner 750ml. Young or old, you may find your furry friends may do an oopsy in the house. Enter this Wee Cleaner, with natural, odour-neutralising enzymes, a...
DOG - Poo Bag. Poop. Doodie. Butt dumplings. Whatever you call it, as a dog owner you’ve got to pick it up. These bags will help turn the stinkiest of...
DOG - Wipes 80pk. Most people wash their dogs too often. Most dogs hate being washed. Hooray for these wipes! Made with natural ingredients, they're just like a bath for...
Dog Tin - The Rabble. An Adorable storage tin for animal lovers. Made from powder-coated galvanized steel. Perfect for storing all your knick-knacks and loose ends - even treats for...
Woollen Dog Coat - M. The Didgeridoona oilskin and woollen dog coat will repel rain; while the pure wool will keep your dog warm in the comfort of a quality dog...
Unfurl this puppy and you’ve got a fully waterproof dog bowl, roll it up and it’ll fit in your palm. How good’s that? The oilskin outer is tough and won’t...
Our most pawsome addition yet - meet the Ruff Jacket! Created with colours and materials to match our wet weather gear, the Ruff Jacket is designed to keep doggies warm...
Our most pawsome addition yet - meet the Ruff Jacket! Created with colours and materials to match our wet weather gear, the Ruff Jacket is designed to keep doggies warm...