Warran Glen stocks all kinds of plants, both indoor and outdoor. A plant for every taste, skill level and environment. We stock plants that are suited to the South Eastern Australian Climate. This is a portion of our plant stock, find plenty more in-store. Please note we do not ship plant life, store pick-up will be the only option available at checkout.
Acacia Limelight is widely considered the original and the best dwarf Acacia cognata on the market. Limelight's attractive lush foliage and compact habit make it a great addition to any...
Botanical Name: Acacia cognata 'UY2'. A weeping Australian Native with soft plumaged deep green foliage and lemon ball flowers in spring. Plant Care Water immediately after planting. Water well until...
Acmena Smithii Forest Flame. Common Name: Lilly Pilly 'Forest Flame'. A tall evergreen narrow shrub with stunning bright red new growth. Fluffy white flowers are followed by berries which change...
Banksia Birthday Candles. Botanical Name: Banksia spinulosa. A dense, compact and eye-catching small native shrub that is perfect for rockeries and smaller gardens, whether mass planted for dramatic effect, in small groups...
Cousin It. Botanical Name: Casurina glauca Cousin It is an unusual and extremely tough Australian native mounding groundcover featuring deep green cascading foliage. Effectively covers unsightly pipes, stumps, and unsightly ground...
Cousin It. Botanical Name: Casurina glauca Cousin It is an unusual and extremely tough Australian native mounding groundcover featuring deep green cascading foliage. Effectively covers unsightly pipes, stumps, and unsightly ground...
Corymbia Ficifolia Grafted Baby Orange. This flowering gum produces vibrant orange blooms in Summer and Autumn. Corymbias are grafted on to rootstock to ensure tolerances to a wide range of...
Corymbia Ficifolia Grafted Baby Scarlet. This flowering gum produces scarlet red blooms in Summer and Autumn. Corymbias are grafted on to rootstock to ensure tolerances to a wide range of...
Corymbia Ficifolia Grafted Baby Orange. This flowering gum produces vibrant red blooms in Summer and Autumn. Corymbias are grafted onto rootstock to ensure tolerances to a wide range of soils....
Corymbia Ficifolia Grafted Summer Beauty. Summer Beauty bears large, pink flowers with gold-tipped stamens and yellow centres in summer and attractive bronze foliage in winter. Corymbias are grafted on to...
Eucalyptus Silver Princess. Botanical Name: Eucalyptus caesia ssp. magna It is a very striking small tree with a weeping habit and attractive bark. Pendulous branches carry eye-catching large pink to...
Kentia Palm. Botanical Name: Howea forsteriana. Originating from Lord Howe Island off the coast of NSW, this palm tree-like house plant can make a statement in any room. It has...