• Garden Centre 8:30am - 5pm    (03)9844 3027    
    Café 8:30am - 4pm  (03)9844 1322
  • Garden Centre 8:30am - 5pm
    (03)9844 3027
    Café 8:30am - 4pm
    (03)9844 1322

Enhance your outdoor space with everything from garden furniture, doormats, ornaments and potted plants. Browse and shop with our convenient Click + Collect service. 

Pots, Furniture & Ornaments

Palermo Threads Belly Pot


Sultan Tall Planter -


Relic Belly Urn


Atlas Egg -


Odyssey Drum - White Pebble


Montague Egg - White Pebble


Fossil Adriatic Planter Rust


Fossil Torquay Tub - Rust


Fossil Hampton Urn - Rust


Lima Ball - Rust


Gorgeia Mini Planter - White Coral


Saxon Bowl - White
