Warran Glen stocks all kinds of trees, ready to be planted in your garden. Most of the trees we sell are suitable for the climate of southeastern Australia. Browse and shop trees with our convenient Click + Collect service.
Corymbia Ficifolia Grafted Baby Scarlet. This flowering gum produces scarlet red blooms in Summer and Autumn. Corymbias are grafted on to rootstock to ensure tolerances to a wide range of...
Corymbia Ficifolia Grafted Baby Orange. This flowering gum produces vibrant orange blooms in Summer and Autumn. Corymbias are grafted on to rootstock to ensure tolerances to a wide range of...
Corymbia Ficifolia Grafted Baby Orange. This flowering gum produces vibrant red blooms in Summer and Autumn. Corymbias are grafted onto rootstock to ensure tolerances to a wide range of soils....
Eucalyptus Silver Princess. Botanical Name: Eucalyptus caesia ssp. magna It is a very striking small tree with a weeping habit and attractive bark. Pendulous branches carry eye-catching large pink to...
Botanical Name: Acacia cognata 'UY2'. A weeping Australian Native with soft plumaged deep green foliage and lemon ball flowers in spring. Plant Care Water immediately after planting. Water well until...