Good news! Maple trees will grow pretty much anywhere in Australia as long as you know how to take care of them. Some trees are slow growers, taking 20-30 years to get full-sized and some are fast and may only take 10-15 years. We mainly stock Japanese varieties but occasionally have some Acer Rubrum. Browse and Shop Maple Trees with our convenient Click + Collect service.
Acer Inaba Shidare Botanical Name: Acer palmatum dissectum 'Inaba Shidare'. One of the darkest foliage colours of Japanese maples is produced on the Inaba Shidare. Best planted in its dormancy...
Acer Skeeters Broom - 33cm Pot. Botanical Name: Acer palmatum. Similar to the very popular 'Shaina', this variety grows much stronger and can handle hotter conditions. Colour varies from pink...
Acer platanoides Crimson Sentry. Commonly known as the Norway Maple, this is a beautifully dense, upright tree with young foliage that is crimson in colour and then matures to deep...
Japanese Maple | Acer Palmatum Omurayama Standard. This standard maple gives a spectacular display in any garden. The long branches on this tree grow upright, with cascading outer branches. Medium...
Japanese Maple Orangeola - 50cm Pot. Botanical Name: Acer palmatum dissectum 'Orangeola'. Orangeola is a highly sought after, fast-growing, weeping maple with lacy foliage. Its foliage emerges as a bright...
Trident Maple. Botanical Name: Acer buergerianum. This is a small deciduous tree with ascending branches when young, maturing to a more rounded canopy. Leaves are small, triangular and tri-lobed. New...
Acer Rubrum Autumn Red. Botanical Name: Acer Rubrum. This cultivar of the red Canadian maple is regarded as one of the best. It is a beautiful rounded tree with ascending branches...
Acer Osakazuki. A small deciduous, ornamental tree grown for elegant form and decorative foliage. Spring brings fresh, green, deeply lobed foliage, sometimes tinged red. The finely divided leaves give the...
Acer Negundo Pink Flamingo. The remarkable pink tones of the emerging foliage create an unusual display. An interesting foliage contrast or feature tree for smaller gardens and parks. The leaves droop...
Acer platanoides Crimson Sentry. Commonly known as the Norway Maple, this is a beautifully dense, upright tree with young foliage that is crimson in colour and then matures to deep...
Acer Yasemin. Rich in brightly coloured large red leaves, Yasemin flowers with tremendous scarlet leaves in Autumn. Approximate Height (Feb '23): 1.8m. Plant Care Water immediately after planting. Water...
Acer Inaba Shidare. Botanical Name: Acer palmatum dissectum 'Inaba Shidare'. This Inaba Shidare is grafted shorter than its taller counterpart so will remain shorter and more compact. One of the...