• Garden Centre 8:30am - 5pm    (03)9844 3027    
    Café 8:30am - 4pm  (03)9844 1322
  • Garden Centre 8:30am - 5pm
    (03)9844 3027
    Café 8:30am - 4pm
    (03)9844 1322

All Plants

Warran Glen stocks all kinds of plants, both indoor and outdoorA plant for every taste, skill level and environment.  We stock plants that are suited to the South Eastern Australian Climate. This is a portion of our plant stock, find plenty more in-store. Please note we do not ship plant life, store pick-up will be the only option available at checkout.


Calathea Rufibarba Furry Feather - 13cm Pot


Calathea Rufibarba Furry Feather - 25cm Pot


Calathea Zebrina Zebra - 17cm Pot


Callisia Repens Pink Panther - 13cm Pot


Chamaedorea Elegans Parlour Palm - 13cm Pot


Devils Ivy - 13cm Pot


Epipremnum Aureum Marble Queen - 17cm Pot


Epipremnum Aureum Snow Queen - 13cm Pot


Ficus Burgundy - 40cm Pot


Ficus Midnight Beauty - 18cm Pot


Ficus Pumila Ice Caps - 13cm Pot


Ficus Ruby - 20cm Pot
